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Showing posts with label Software Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software Review. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Uninstall with "REVO" and make your PC fresh and speed

Today I'm going to talk about a little software but it has a lot of benefits. I'm writing these things in this post insha allah (if may allah wish) step by step:--------------
Name of software:- REVO uninstaller
Task of software:- uninstall any program.
when we want to uninstall any program , we have been doing some things like:-
1. uninstall by help of  ADD/REMOVE option.

2. by clicking UNINSTALL ICON which in staying on program file of that software.

in these ways though software/programs are uninstalling but it's temporary/its impact doesn't remove. when these things make slow our PC.  so we have to care both tow things 1. uninstalling the program and 2.fresh my computer from it's impact.
REVO is the vest for these purposes. because:-
(1) It's size is very small and
(2) comfortable for your computer
(3) it delete every temporary file
(4) make computer fresh
(5) make PC speed.

DOWNLOAD this software frombellow
1. exe file
2. portable version

Sunday, June 26, 2011

copy whole website as you wish

sometime we visit the sites very important and we wish to copy that site but "HOW"? it's today's topic means today i'll discuss "how to copy a website". now it's doesn't matter because there are many soft wars for perform to this task. like 1. HTTrack,
2. winwsd-1.1f
3. offline explorer executable. etc.
but from above softwares i have seen good "HTTrack". lets talk about it. how work is it.
1. after downloading install that software and run. and follow the instructions written in bellow:-

2. click NEXT
3. give a name in PROJECT NAME and select project category.

4. write a url link and chose the action from the list.
5. after all press finish button.

DOWNLOAD this software from their official website.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Now searching is very fast

Today i discuss about a working software although it's a little soft. this name is "Everything search engine".
it has some benefits. these are:--
  • Clean and simple user interface

  • Quick file indexing
  • Quick searching
  • Minimal resource usage
  • Share files with others easily
  • Real-time updating
also you can search filter by filter like this
and you can set it like your mind by going to/ using "Option"
at recent released it's new version and it has portable version also. these file you can download form here--
1. exe version
2. portable version

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How convert inpage to unicode format

in this post I'll show you that how convert Inpage to unicode formate.
to doing this firstly you need a software which can you download from here. or from here.
after downloading this software and installing you have to do following things
1. go to your inpage file and copy the text.
2. open Hilal unicode converter and click "convert clipboard" button.

3. finally go to MS word and paste here.
you see the inpage text sowing here properly and correctly.


Lock your software and be secured

in this post i'll show you how you be secure about your software. that mean now you can lock your important software for you privacy and for safety from disable or delete that software.
for this work you need a software called "EXE LOCK" and do following thing step by step:-
1. firstly download this software from here.
2. install this soft but don't lunch and open the soft.
3. crack this soft by copy "Exelock" icon to program file where the software located.

4. now you can use this by choosing a password.
5. choose your desired soft for locking. like this image:
